The world of fashion and decoration have always maintained a very close relationship. They travel in parallel, as the decoration feeds back on fashion trends, finding inspiration on the catwalk. In this way, collaborations have emerged between the most prestigious fashion brands and home aesthetics, manifesting both personalities in a single element.
As an example, we could highlight the fact that, for several seasons, curves and lines have been an ideal resource to provide visual strength and character to interior design, creating dynamic and creative environments. Geometric shapes have been protagonists when it comes to furniture, accessories, coverings, rugs, among others, but also in fabric designs.

*In addition, not everything is based on manufacturing and design, but this relationship is also evident in practice. The seasonal nature of both is a clear example of this. With the arrival of winter, we change our wardrobe. We put away all the clothes that we are no longer going to wear given the drastic change in temperatures, just as we reconditioned our home to make it more welcoming, covering it with thicker textures and incorporating Nordic environments.
This is why more and more synergies are emerging between brands of different types, which are committed to a common project in order to create new concepts that demonstrate the efficiency of this merger. This is the case of the collaboration between Smeg and Dolce & Gabanna appliances, the creation of Missoni sofas for Designers Guild, the limited collection of IKEA and Zandra Rhodes or the brands themselves that have incorporated the branch of decoration into their line, such as Gucci, Armani, Versace or Fendi.

It is never too late to join, reinvent yourself and grow together.